How To Avoid Spring Sports Injuries

knee injury

Spring brings April showers, May flowers and great weather. It is the perfect season to play an outdoor sport, and children all across California are ready to play. But, parents may be wondering what they can do to help their kids avoid some of the injuries that come with spring sports.

The healthcare experts at California Urgent Care Center are ready to help. We have gathered four injury prevention tips that may help you keep your little one injury-free. Here are four things you can do to prevent spring sports injuries.

Spring Sports Injury Prevention

1. Warm-Up

Though the temperatures outside may be warmer, that doesn’t mean your body can instantly start playing a sport. Stretches, lunges, squats and calisthenics not only prevent injury, they prime your mind and body for activity. A proper warm-up will get your body and muscles to the right temperature and improve blood flow. Don’t skip them.

2. Start Slow

Once again, try not to jump the gun when getting back into spring sports. During the winter, you may not have used the muscles you use for spring sports very often. Those muscles need retraining. So, before you put your all into tearing up the playing field, hit the gym first. Start at about 20 percent of your usual workout and build your way back up to normal.

3. Get Some Rest

Overuse injuries are some of the most common among young athletes. You can prevent these injuries by ensuring your child is getting the proper amount of rest. If they have been training every day, it may be important for them to take a day off. Make sure they are getting a full 9 hours of sleep.

4. Stay Hydrated

Heat illness is the top cause of sports-related deaths in high school students. So, it is always important to ensure that your child, no matter what age, is fully hydrated. This includes before, during, and after practice and games. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include muscle cramps, heavy sweating, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and fainting. If your young athlete exhibits any of these symptoms, remove them from play. Take your dehydrated athlete to a cool place where they can rehydrate.

Our Urgent Care Center Is Ready to Spring Into Action

Following these tips will help reduce the chances of sustaining a spring sports injury, but they are no guarantee. Tripping, collisions, and uneven playing surfaces can still result in sprains, lacerations, and broken bones. Come to one of our conveniently located centers for fast treatment. One of our trained medical professionals can see you faster than an emergency room doctor. Walk-ins are welcome, so contact us for your medical needs.