Stockton Ingrown Nail Treatment
Do Not Neglect Proper Treatment for This Common Problem
Ingrown nails are actually very common. They can happen when you stub your toe, wear tight shoes or if you miscut your toe or fingernail. These problems can also occur often for athletes, diabetics or individuals with a genetic disposition. This injury often causes swelling, pain, tenderness and hardness in the affected area. Though you can successfully treat an ingrown nail at home, it can lead to serious problems if not taken seriously. Untreated ingrown toenails in particular can lead to bone infections and foot ulcers. Treatments can range from prescription antibiotics all the way to surgery.
Call (209) 224-8517 or contact us online today to learn about our ingrown nail treatment in Stockton, CA.
Our Ingrown Nail Treatment Approach at California Urgent Care Center
Our approach to ingrown nail treatment is tailored to the severity of your condition. We offer:
- Initial Assessment: A thorough examination to determine the extent of the ingrown nail and any signs of infection.
- Conservative Treatment: For mild cases, we may recommend soaking the foot in warm, soapy water, gently lifting the ingrown nail edge, and placing cotton or dental floss underneath to encourage proper growth. We will also provide guidance on proper nail trimming techniques.
- Partial Nail Removal: For more severe or recurrent ingrown nails, we perform a minor surgical procedure to remove the ingrown portion of the nail. This is typically done under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort.
- Infection Management: If an infection is present, we will prescribe antibiotics and provide wound care instructions.
- Preventative Care: We offer advice on preventing future ingrown nails, including proper footwear selection and nail trimming techniques.
How Can I Prevent Ingrown Nails and Toenails?
Prevention of ingrown nails is as simple as proper trimming. Remember to cut your nails straight across instead of rounding the edges into your nail bed. Soak your nails in water for a few minutes to soften them before trimming. Always use the right tools such as fingernail clippers and toenail clippers. Never cut your nails too short. You should try to keep from cutting them shorter than the tip of your toe or finger. Some other tips that will help prevent ingrown nails include:
- Avoid toe and finger trauma such a stubbing your toe or jamming your fingertip.
- Do not where shoes that put excessive pressure on your toes.
- Avoid narrow shoes.
- Do not where gloves that are too small for your hands.
- Keep your feet clean and dry.
Toe or Finger Still Hurting? Call Us Today!
If you suffer pain, redness, swelling or pus discharge around your nail, come see us. Home treatments for ingrown toe and fingernails do not always work. This means you may need medical treatment to prevent an even worse condition. This is especially important for individuals with certain health conditions such as diabetes. Let the caring staff at California Urgent Care Center help evaluate and treat your ingrown nail. We have locations in Lodi, Stockton and Manteca for your convenience. Contact one of our local centers near you!